Halloween: YOU CHOOSE!

Halloween: YOU CHOOSE!

The votes are in. And the winner is…CARRIE! Looks like you couldn’t resist that lethal combination of Stephen King, Sissy Spacek, Brian de Palma and a lot of pigs blood.

We’re super excited about Halloween and will be decking the Golden Lion out in suitable spooky decorations, giving cinematic prizes to the best costume (although dressing up is not compulsory!) and generally ramping up the fear factor. But everybody has their favourite scary movie, so we asked you to tell us what you wanted to see.

After much debate, we’ve drew up a list of our top six (see below). An overwhelming number of you (29%) voted for Carrie. Your wish is our command

Our list:

Ivan Reitman, USA 1984, 105min. Cert.12

No introduction necessary, this is 80s cinema at its finest.

The Innocents
Jack Clayton, UK 1961, 100min. Cert. 12A

Jack Clayton’s classic film adaptation of Henry James’ The Turn of the Screw, starring Deborah Kerr. Chilling.

Let the Right One In
Tomas Alfredson, Sweden 2008, 115min. Cert. 15

Just when we thought vampires had been done to, er, death, along came this fangtastic (sorry) take on the genre

The Devil’s Backbone
Guillermo del Toro, Spain and Mexico 2001, 105min. Cert. 15

12-year-old boy + haunted orphanage = Guillermo del Toro at his very best.

Brian De Palma, USA 1976, 98min. Cert. 18

Sissy Spacek stars in this classic adaptation of Stephen King for those who like their horror tense. Some of us have never recovered

Hideo Nakata, Japan 1998, 96min. Cert. 18

A thousand times scarier than its American remake, Hideo Nakata offers a masterclass in horror – Japanese style. (we’re scared just embedding this trailer)

Wild card – your suggestion
Add your own suggestion and if we find a lot of you are suggesting the same film, that’s the one we’ll screen.

Vote now for your favouriteballot closes Thursday 24 October

The Golden Lion Pub, 116 Sydenham High Road SE26 5JX
7.30pm Thursday 31 October
£5 on the door